Tuesday, August 12, 2014

SAVE THE DATE - Christmas Vendor Fair - Saturday, November 15 10am-2pm - Seaford Baptist Church Gym

SAVE THE DATE - We have venue approval! YAY! So, here are the details for the Christmas vendor fair.

Saturday, November 15 from 10am-2pm in the Seaford Baptist Church Gym!

My goal is at least 30 vendors! Let's see what God will do!

So, here are the details for vendors:
1) Vendor Fair will be held in the Seaford Baptist Church Gym on November 15 from 10 am-2pm. Vendors may arrive at 9am on the day of the fair.

2) $35 dollars in advance to reserve a place.(Remember that this is a fundraiser.)  Please let me know if you need a table. There are a limited number of 6 foot rectangle tables and a lot of large circle tables...First Come, first serve. =) Please contact me, Virginia, to reserve your spot. Because this is a fundraiser, reservation fees are non-refundable.

3) Vendor donates 1 item for a silent auction. If this item is not sold at this event, then it will be retained by Eric and Virginia to be used at a later event's auction. Item may be brought the day of the event.

4) There is no required percentage of sales to be donated to the Adoption fund...but if you feel led to donate a percent...then we will gratefully accept. =) This is not required...just a suggestion. =)

So...there you have it! Email me at spencebaby2@gmail.com with questions or call me/text me/ or see me at church! Thanks in advance!!

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