Ok, so it has been a while since you heard from me. Sorry about that. Life has been busy lately, but not on our adoption front. Seems like NOTHING is happening for us. as far as we know, the agency is not working with any birth moms who are interested in our profile. Oh, I know that God is working on fronts not seen, but this waiting thing is driving me crazy! If you know me well, then you know that patience is not my strongest suit. Yet here I am...here WE are.
Like any expectant parent, the wait to hold that little bundle of joy is excruciating. Unlike biological families, adoptive families don't have an 8-9 month away due date. The adoption wait time for placement is indefinite and impossible to put a time frame on. Some adoptive families are placed with babies close to home study approval or before they even have funds raised. I even know two different families who were asked to parent a baby even before they had completed homestudies! Some families wait 3+ years. For some, infant adoption, sadly, never happens. Reality tell me that we are only about 6 months into the "official wait time" after home study completion. My heart tells me that there is this piece of my heart (and our family) missing and that baby needs to get here NOW!
I love to tell people that we are expecting. The looks of their faces as they look at my (ever-shrinking!) waist are humorous mixtures of expectancy, confusion, and bewilderment. I love to tell people that we are growing our family! Adoption is my favorite topic. Joshua's story is fun to tell. I love how God brought him to our lives and tell him often that "I waited my whole life just to be your mommy." I am sure that I could never have written a story as unique and awesome as the one God wrote when he planned how he would bring Joshua to us after 12 years of waiting and infertility. And I know the story of how Baby #2 becomes part of our family will be just as awesome and God-fingerprinted. I just want to know it now. Like the end of a good book or a riveting movie, the way is unknown to us, and we are so curious to know it!
The wait is hard. I am not going to lie. When I hear of families being placed with a child, I get the same excitement/longing as I did when we were childless and I heard of yet another pregnancy. I am thrilled beyond measure when I learn of miraculous adoption placements...and yet I am filled with longing for our little one. I dream of him/her/them. I try, just like a biologically expectant mama. to imagine what the little one looks like, what they might become, how unique his/her/their little personality will be, and so on. The wait feels terminal...and exciting!
Soooo...here we are. Waiting. Thinking. Dreaming. Expecting. Would you pray for us to be patient? Would you pray for our child's birth mother/father to be healthy and safe and to make wise choices for themselves and the little one? Would you pray for our baby to grow healthy? Would you pray for the birthfamily as they prepare to make a very hard decision? Would you pray that God will bring our paths together in HIS timing and that we will wait on Him? We could sure you the prayers. Thank you for reading this mama's heart cry today.
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