Well, here we are at the 9 month mark of our wait for baby 2. I like to tell people that I look good for being 9 months expecting. Everyone gets a good laugh at that. Humor makes the wait seem shorter. But while we wait, there is so much to think about.
Lately, I have been pondering how hard it will be for our children to grow up in this crazy world where the "normal" and the "accepted right" are so very opposite to what the Scriptures say. Homosexuality and abortion are the "hot" topics in the media...and they are two topics that we are going to have to explain to our children. It is a scary world that children are born into. I feel so sorry for them because what was not accepted when I was a child 30+years ago is totally accepted now. Society is free fall of sin and godlessness that one day will come to end when the Lord Jesus returns for his children, puts the ca-bosh on the whole dealio, and creates a new heaven and new earth. Until that glorious day, we are instructed to raise our children in the "nurture and admonition of the Lord" (Eph. 6:4) and teach our children what the Bible says on the happenings in society, It is a tough job, and it is only gonna get tougher.
So what do waiting and the demise of society have in common? For us a believers it is Jesus Christ-- the One who is the same yesterday, today and forever--the One who is omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing), and omnipresent (everywhere present). God knows where our child is right now. He is actually right there with the child and birthparents, and he is powerful enough to supersede any agency or plan to bring that child to us when it is the appointed time. God ordained from before time began that the child who would come to us through another woman's womb would be born in this day and time. Knowing that HE knew/knows all this, gives me the confidence that when the time is right, we will meet our child, and God will give us the wisdom to raise the child in this day of adversity.
So, while wait, I learn to trust I learn to depend on the One who is so much stronger than me. I learn that when I am weak, he is strong. I learn that man plans his course but the Lord directs his steps (Prov. 16:9). I learn to "wait on the Lord for my strength to be renewed" (Is. 40:31). And I pray with all my heart for a baby whom I have yet to meet but whom I love with every fiber of my being and long to hold. This is my calling. This the plan God has laid out for my life (Jer. 29:11) and it is very good.
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