Monday, July 28, 2014

Home Study Visits

Tomorrow we have the first of 3 home study visits. For this one, our new social worker, Lacey, will be coming to "tour" our home and see if we have met all the state regulations. (Our second home study visit will take place at a Bethany Christian Services Office and will cover more personal details. Eric and I will meet with the worker together at first and then each separately. The third visit will take place here at our home again, but at the moment, I forget what all the details are for that visit.)

I know some of you are curious about what they check for, so I will  paste in a copy of the State of Virginia Home Environment Checklist. It amazes me what they look at. Most of all it makes practical sense. Some of it is a bit different.  I often think they make it harder for non-biological parents to become parents. If every expectant parent in the world went through all the hoops adoptive families go through, there would be a whole lot less children in foster care, in hospitals from poisoning, etc. Still, I look at this a just the "normal" for us to bring home another baby. A different normal. A new normal. But normal nevertheless.  Thank you for your continued prayers as week seek to bring home baby #2 and balance raising baby#1 in the midst of it all! =)



Style of Home: __________             Square Footage: _______

# Bedrooms: ____________               # Bathrooms: ________

Fenced-in Backyard:_________              Pool: _____________

Length of Time in Home: _____              Lot Size: __________

Type of Pets: _______________________________________

During a home visit on _________________, the following standards were investigated as evidenced by my initials:

Not Found

Storage space to keep clothing and other personal belongings

Accessible basin and toilet facilities

Sleeping space on the first floor of the home for a child unable to use stairs unassisted, other than a child who can be easily and safely carried

Space for recreational activities

Fans or other cooling systems shall be used when the temperature of inside areas occupied by children in care exceeds 80° F

The temperature in all areas occupied by children in care shall be maintained no lower then 65° F

Rooms and study space used by children in care shall have adequate and sufficient lighting for activities and safety

The provider and children in care shall have access to a working telephone in the home

Multiple children in care who share a bedroom shall have adequate space including closet and storage space. Bedrooms shall have adequate square footage for each child in care to have personal space

The bedrooms of children in care shall not be used as passageways and shall have doors for privacy

The home shall be clean, in good repair, and free of hazards to the health and safety of children in care

The grounds around the home shall be safe, properly maintained, free of litter and debris, and present no hazard to the safety of children in care

All homes shall have at least one operable smoke detector (BCS requires one on each floor)

There must be a fire extinguisher in the home

Any firearms and other weapons shall be unloaded and stored with the weapon’s safety mechanisms activated in a locked closet or cabinet

Ammunition shall be stored in a locked location separate from the weapon

The key or combination to the locked closet and cabinet (where firearms and ammunition are stored) shall at al times be maintained out of reach of all children in the home

The applicant shall maintain documentation that household pets receive tests, inoculations, and licenses as required by law

The applicant shall ensure that household pets are safe to be around children and that the pets present no health hazard to children in the home

The applicant shall keep cleaning supplies and other toxic substances stored away from food and, as appropriate, out of reach of children and locked

Except for medications that require refrigeration, all medications, prescription and nonprescription, shall be stored separately from food in a locked area out of reach of children. The applicant shall implement safety provisions for the storage of refrigerated medications

The home shall have readily available basic first aid supplies for use in injuries and accidents


Social Worker Signature                                                           Date

During a home visit on _________________, the following standards were discussed and family agrees to comply as evidenced by the family’s initials:

App 1
App 2

The home shall provide appropriate space and furnishing for each child receiving care in the home

Bed furniture equipped with clean, safe, and comfortable sleeping furnishings

Children in care over the age of two years shall not share a bed

Children in care over the age of two shall not share a bedroom with an adult unless the child’s needs, disabilities, or other specified conditions warrant the sharing of bedroom space and the licensee has approved a specified plan to allow the sharing of the bedroom with the adult

No child shall share a bed with an adult

A child in care over the age of three years shall not sleep in the same bedroom with children of the opposite gender

Children in care under the age of seven or children in care with significant and document cognitive disabilities shall not use the top bunk of bunk beds

Approved providers and independent living arrangement settings shall arrange for responsible adults to be available to serve in the caretaker’s role in case of emergencies. Any substitute caretaker arrangements necessary for planned or long-term absence of the provider shall require the licensee’s prior approval

Possession of any weapons, including firearms, kin the home or independent living arrangement shall comply with federal and state laws and local ordinances

Applicant One Signature                                                                 Date

Applicant Two Signature                                                                Date

Social Worker Signature                                                                Date

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Mary Kay Fundraiser RESULTS

Drum roll, please...............Thanks to you all, total sales for this fundraiser were $907.50 (pre-tax!). That means that $317.63 goes to baby fund! And 3 individuals donated a total of $140 on top of that amount, bringing the total from this fundraiser to $457.63! Very cool! Thanks so much to all who participated and are praying. Thanks to my mom, Jo Kross, for her time and generosity!

There will be more fundraisers to follow. In September, we will be having a GIANT yardsale. (More info on this to come soon!) I am also going to do a 31 Fundraiser this be watching! We will also be starting a Facebook group to consolidate all info to those who want to know, and arealso looking at attaching a Pay Pal link or Pure Charity link to our webpage for those who want to donate separately. Thanks again for your support and your part in bringing home our next miracle(s)!
