Monday, March 16, 2015

Bad News or Good News - God is in Control!

3/13/15 (Friday)
I received a letter today. It was one that I had hoped would bear good news for us. It did not. We did not receive one of the grants we applied for back in December. I know that the grant reviewers have really tough decisions to make regarding limited fund disbursement. I know that there are hundreds of applicants for every session. Even though we did not receive the grant, I am surprisingly not discouraged. See, I know that "my God shall supply all your (our) need according to his riches in Christ Jesus." (Phil. 4:19). I also know that "faithful is he who calls you who also will do it." (I Thess. 5:24). God has lead down this path of adoption. He knew that we would not be able to have biological children and chose to build our family this way. Families are built all sorts of ways. For us, at this point, domestic infant adoption is the way. I know some question our decision to go down this costly road when there are other less expensive ways to adopt, but this is the way that God has led us.Not every adoption route is for every person. We will continue forward down the path the Lord has called us. I refuse to be afraid that the funds won't come in or that people won't understand. We answer to the God who made the heavens and owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He promises to provide.

3/16/15 (Monday) - As I write this I am smiling very brightly, shaking all over, and shedding happy tears. My heart is singing "Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Jesus!" Why, you might ask? Well today we received good news! The Bible tells us in Proverbs 25:25 that good news from a far country is as refreshing as cool water to a weary soul. Well, good news came, and I am refreshed and enlivened! See, today we received word back from another grant agency, Show Hope (/  They are graciously giving us a $7,000 grant for our adoption! $7,000!! Out of all the applicants, God led them to choose us. I am in awe. I am pumped! My son watched me with wide eyes as I jumped around the house shouting "Jesus! Jesus! Oh my goodness! Thank you, Jesus!" As tears poured down my face and I impatiently tried to get Eric to answer his phone, I kept repeating the same thing-"Jesus! Jesus!" HE DID IT! God reminded me that he is going to take care of bringing in the funds for us to bring home our next child. I am pumped.

Now, all that being said, we still have need of funds. Here are a few ways that you can be part of our miracle. 1) There is a concert on Friday night, March 27 at 7pm at Yorkminster Presbyterian Church in Grafton. Please come.Bring a friend. Bring an enemy (they might come to know Jesus). There will be a love offering taken, but giving will be at your discretion. No dollar amounts set. No limitations on who comes. It would be so encouraging to sing to a church full of people. So come one, come all!! 2) There is also a Pay pal link on the home page of our blog. The link is attached to baby fund, so all donations go directly into an account designated for baby.

THANK YOU-- for reading, for praying, for giving. Your support gives strength as we wait for and anticipate bringing home our child.

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